XYMOGEN International Program > 공지사항

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XYMOGEN International Program

페이지 정보

작성일21-02-26 16:22 조회2,835

XYMOGEN International Program

XYMOGEN’s CEO, Brian Blackburn, had a vision for this company in the international marketplace. Through his vision, XYMOGEN continues to see new opportunities to address the ever-expanding need for natural health solutions by distributing our top-of-the-line formulas on the global market. Our goal is to ensure our product is supplied to every distributor that recognizes the benefits of providing these innovative formulas to consumers, and has a desire to help people achieve a healthier lifestyle. The relationships we have with our international distributors are based on mutual trust and respect, with a shared passion for exponential growth and expansion.

We are currently distributing in Canada, South Korea, South Africa, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico – and we are looking to develop markets in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Europe. These future ventures can only be realized through strong partnerships with potential distributors who share in XYMOGEN’s vision.


International Distributors

유니메디 회사명 : 유니메디 / 대표 : 김명윤
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 위례성대로6 (방이동) 현대토픽스 1513호
사업자 등록번호 : 408-14-49752​
통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2019-서울송파-2959호 Copyright © 2021 UNIMEDI. All rights reserved.


상담시간 : 9:00~18:00 (평일)

점심시간 : 12:30~13:30 (주말, 공휴일 휴무)

광고 및 마케팅 제안 문의E-mail : unimedi07@naver.com

Fax : 02-418-5316